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Three Things You Should Do If You Feel You Are Being Religiously Discriminated At Your Job.

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I. Know Your Rights 

Knowing your rights is important so that people don’t take advantage of you. Listed below are some of your religious rights in the workplace. 

A)    Religious discrimination is when a person is being treated differently based on their religious beliefs. The law protects not only people who have traditional beliefs but also those whose religion relies on ethical or moral beliefs. Thus, the law forbids religious discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment. This includes hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, benefits, or any other condition involving employment.  

B)   Religious harassment is also discrimination. Harassment is when offensive remarks about you or your religion including its beliefs and practices are being made. The difference between harassment and rude remarks is when it is so frequent that it creates an offensive work environment or it results in an employment decision. These employment decisions can range anywhere from being demoted or even fired for insubstantial reasons. Aforementioned, this is when harassment goes against your rights to be working in a safe and peaceful environment.

C) Reasonable Accommodation also accounts for religious discrimination. The law also prohibits employers from preventing employees from practicing reasonable religious beliefs or practices. However, it cannot cause more than a minimal burden on the employer’s business. Rest assured this doesn’t mean your employer cannot make reasonable adjustments to the work environment. An example of a suitable accommodation includes a flexible schedule, voluntary shift substitutions, job reassignments, and modifications to workplace policies or practices. 

D) Employment policies and practices cannot force you to practice or participate in religious activity. The law prohibits an employer from forcing their employees to take part in religious activity. In other words, if your employer tells you that a mandatory meeting must be held in a place of worship you are not obligated to go. Even if the employer threatens to demote or even fire you from your original position, is against your employment rights. 

If you feel any of these may apply it is always recommended you speak with a Miami employment discrimination attorney to fully understand your rights. At PereGonza The Attorneys, we offer free consultations for some of these cases and in many cases we take them on a contingency fee which means you don’t pay us unless we win.

II. Report The Religious Discrimination In Writing 

Reporting the discrimination to your company will only benefit you and your case. In most cases regarding religious discrimination, the owner of the company has no idea that it is even happening. So reaching out or filing a complaint can help allow for either your religious needs or a comfortable work environment to be met. Nevertheless, there are some rare cases when the employer is aware of religious discrimination and will even admit to it. No matter what the circumstance of your case is, filing a complaint of religious discrimination will help further prove that the company or employer has acknowledged the religious workplace discrimination that you are receiving and has not done anything about it. If a lawsuit or charge of discrimination is necessary in the future, your Miami employment discrimination lawyer can use the written notice as a tool to prove knowledge of a need for an accommodation among other things, specially if the notice was ignored or denied. 

III. Contact A Miami Employment Discrimination Lawyer 

Hiring a lawyer to represent you in your case can only benefit you, even simply speaking with a lawyer to understand your rights is going to be beneficial. This is because they can provide you with legal representation, counsel and advice regarding any possible religious discrimination or any time of employment issue you may not. Be taking into account. If you feel that you atre being forced to do something against your religion or like you could be a victim under a religious discrimination case then it is recommended you contact a Miami employment discrimination lawyer. Here at PereGonza The Attorney’s, we understand that these workplace issues can affect people lives which is why we take a comprehensive approach to handling every matter. Our team of Miami employment discrimination lawyers understands that the process can be long and confusing, therefore if you have any questions, concerns, or would like a free, no-risk case evaluation contact us at at PereGonza the Attorneys today. 

Article by: Alyssa Marie Otero


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